Zoya Aimen
2 min readApr 7, 2021


Reflection on Amal Totkay

Amal totkay to get ourselves involved in practical work are truly fascinating. Getting into doing something practical instead of just continuously thinking about our goals would lead us to improve ourselves and would lay the step to get closer to every aim we’ve set. It is said:

One who does not measure does not grow.

You might be thinking what these Totkay are?

Amal Totkay is all about setting a goal, getting into it, transforming yourself, and assessing your growth.

Listing them:

1. Self Talk 2. Get out of your comfort zone 3. Create new habits

4. Ask people to help 5. Fake it till you make it

Let’s analyze my favorite totkay:


According to neuroscience:

“People spend 60 percent of conversations talking about themselves”

While learning something new, we might come across feelings like; Oh! I might not be able to do this, maybe I am not made to do this, I guess switching into any other skills is better for me. Our self-talk is what we believe and they say: You become what you believe not what you want.

So you won’t achieve something because you decided to do it. Self-talk is believing and continuously reminding yourself to believe in yourself.

And yes! Remove the “not’s” existing in your mind with “can”.

2. Creating new habits:

To improve, we constantly need to shed of past habits which are not fruitful for our future.

I attended a webinar on “Change your habits to change your results”. I would like to We can change our bad habits by planning our day, implementing single-tasking, Make the most of available time, Killing the time-wasters.

I listed my positive and negative habits to get a clear picture of what new habits I need to develop.

Developing Growth Mindset:

A change doesn’t happen all of a sudden. It’s a continuous effort to improve yourself. Switching from fixed or somehow fixed to the growth mindset needs consistent effort. Amal totkay encourage us to grow, develop, and improve. Whatever you’ve aimed to do, start doing!

Take the first step i.e. Self-Talk(say I can instead of I can’t) and start reshaping your current day or into your “ideal day” and eventually you’ll ace it all.

Let’s begin!



Zoya Aimen

Having fun while reading and writing, a full time learner!